EMRAH KILIÇ  (Prof. Dr.)


TOBB Ekonomi ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi

Matematik Bölümü Ofis No: 221

ğütözü Caddesi No: 43

06560 Ankara Türkiye


Ofis Telefon No: +90 312 292 43 30

Email Adresi: ekilic@etu.edu.tr

Web Adresi: http://ekilic.etu.edu.tr/


Eğitim Bilgileri


Doktora: Gazi Üniv. Matematik Böl. 2003-2006


Yüksek Lisans: Gazi Üniv. Matematik Böl. 2001-2003


Lisans: Ankara Üniv. Matematik Böl. 1995-1999


Çalışma Konuları


Ayrık matematik, Matris teori, Kombinatorik, q-kalkülüs



Akademik Ünvanlar


Haziran 2014 - Halen, Profesör, TOBB ETÜ


Ocak 2009 - Haziran 2014, Doçent Doktor, TOBB ETÜ


Ocak 2008 - Mayıs 2008, Ziyaretçi Bilimadamı, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Amerika


Temmuz 2007 - Ocak 2009, Yardımcı Doçent Doktor, TOBB ETÜ


Ağustos 2006 - Temmuz 2007, Öğretim Görevlisi, TOBB ETÜ


Şubat 2002 - Ağustos 2006, Araştırma Görevlisi, Gazi Üniversitesi, Ankara Türkiye

Uluslararası Bilimsel Dergi Editörlükleri -SCI İndeksli dergilerde bulunan Editörlükler


Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society (BMMS), Editor, 2015 - Halen


Turkish Journal of Mathematics, Editor, 2015 – Halen


Bilimsel Üyelikler ve Görevler


Ankara Matematik Günleri 2019, Bilim Kurulu Üyeliği, Gazi Üniv. Ankara 2019

Bilim Kahramanları Derneği, “Yılın Bilim İnsanı” ödülü seçici kurul üyeliği, 2018

TÜBA-TESEP Jüri Üyeliği, 2018

Ankara Matematik Günleri 2018, Bilim Kurulu Üyeliği, Hacettepe Üniv. Ankara 2018

Ankara Matematik Günleri 2017, Bilim Kurulu Üyeliği, Hacettepe Üniv. Ankara 2017

Lebanese Inter. Conference on Math. Appl. (LICMA’17), Bilim Kurulu Üyeliği, Beirut, 2017

TÜBA-GEBİP Jüri Üyeliği, 2016

Lebanese Inter. Conference on Math. Appl. (LICMA’17), Bilim Kurulu Üyeliği, Beirut, 2015

XII. Matematik Sempozyumu, Bilim Kurulu-Proğram Komite Üyeliği, Hacettepe Üniv. Ankara, 2013

XI. Matematik Sempozyumu, Bilim Kurulu Üyeliği, Ondokuz Mayıs Üniv. Samsun, 2012

X. Matematik Sempozyumu, Bilim Kurulu Üyeliği, Işık Üniv. İstanbul, 2011

V. Ankara Matematik Günleri, Bilim Kurulu Üyeliği, TOBB ETU, Ankara 2010

American Mathematical Society




Uluslararası Bilimsel Dergi Makaleleri


1) D. Taşcı and E. Kılıç, On the order-k generalized Lucas numbers, Applied Mathematics Computation 155(3) (2004), 637–641.


2) E. Kılıç and D. Taşcı, On the generalized order-k Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, Rocky Mountain J. Math. 36(6) (2006), 1915–1926.


3) E. Kılıç and D. Taşcı, The linear algebra of the Pell matrix, Bulletin of the Mexican Mathematical Society 2(11) (2005), 163–174.


4) E. Kılıç, B. Altunkaynak and D. Taşcı, On the computing of the generalized order-k Pell numbers in log time, Applied Mathematics Computation 181(1) (2006), 511–515.


5) E. Kılıç and D. Taşcı, The generalized Binet formula, representation and sums of the generalized order-k Pell numbers, Taiwanese J. Math. 10(6) (2006), 1661–1670.


6) E. Kılıç and D. Taşcı, Factorizations and representations of the backward second order linear recurrences, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 201(1) (2007), 182–197.


7) E. Kılıç, The generalized order-k Fibonacci-Pell sequence by matrix methods, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 209(2) (2007), 133–145.


8) E. Kılıç, Sums of generalized Fibonacci numbers by matrix methods, Ars Combinatoria, 84 (2007), 23–31.


9) E. Kılıç and D. Taşcı, On the permanents of some tridiagonal matrices with applications to the Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, Rocky Mountain J. Math. 37(6) (2007), 203–219.


10) E. Kılıç and D. Taşcı, On sums of second order linear recurrences by hessenberg matrices, Rocky Mountain J. Math. 38(2) (2008), 531–544.


11) E. Kılıç, Sums of the squares of terms of sequence {Un}, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. 118(1) (2008), 27–41.


12) E. Kılıç, The Binet formula, sum and representations of generalized Fibonacci p-numbers, European Journal of Combinatorics 29(3) (2008), 701–711.


13) E. Kılıç, Explicit formula for the inverse of a tridiagonal matrix by backward continued fractions, Applied Mathematics Computation 197(1) (2008), 345–357.


14) E. Kılıç, Formulas for sums of generalized order-k Fibonacci type, Ars Combinatoria 86 (2008), 395–402.


15) E. Kılıç, Tribonacci sequences with certain indices and their sums, Ars Combinatoria 86 (2008), 13–22.


16) E. Kılıç and M. El-Mikkawy, A computational algorithm for special nth order pentadiagonal Toeplitz determinants, Applied Mathematics Computation 199(2) (2008), 820–822.


17) E. Kılıç, On a constant-diagonals matrix, Applied Mathematics Computation 204(1) (2008), 184–190.


18) E. Kılıç and D. Tasci, Generalized order-k Fibonacci and Lucas functions, Rocky Mountain J. Math. 38(6) (2008), 1991–2007.


19) E. Kılıç and N. Irmak, Reciprocal sums of l-th power of generalized binary sequences with indices, Ars Combintoria 88 (2008), 407–413.


20) E. Kılıç, On the usual Fibonacci and generalized order-k Pell numbers, Ars Combinatoria 88 (2008), 33–45.


21) E. Kılıç, G. N. Stanica and P. Stanica, Spectral properties of some combinatorial matrices, Congressus Numerantium Vol. 201, Proc. Inter. Conf. Fibonacci Numbers & Appl. (2010), 223–236.


22) E. Kılıç and D. Tasci, On families of bipartite graphs associated with sums of Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, Ars Combinatoria 89 (2008), 31–40.


23) E. Kılıç and P. Stanica, Generating matrices for weighted sums of a second order linear recurrence, Journal of Integer Sequences 12 (2009) Article 09.2.7.


24) E. Kılıç, On the second order linear recurrences by tridiagonal matrices, Ars Combinatoria 91 (2009), 11–18.


25) E. Kılıç, The generalized Pell (p,i)-numbers and their Binet formulas, combinatorial representations, sums, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 40 (2009), 2047–2063.


26) E. Kılıç and A.P. Stakhov, On the Fibonacci and Lucas p-numbers, their sums, families of bipartite graphs and permanents of certain matrices, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 40 (2009), 2210–2221.


27) E. Kılıç, N. Ömür, G. Tatar and Y. Ulutaş, Factorizations of the Pascal matrix via generalized second order recurrent matrix, Hacettepe J. Mathematics and Statistics 38(3) (2009), 305–316.


28) E. Kılıç and D. Taşcı, On the second order linear recurrence satisfied by the permanent of generalized doubly stochastic matrices, Ars Combinatoria 93 (2009), 1–14.


29) E. Kılıç, N. Ömür and Y. Ulutaş, Matrix representations for the second order recurrence {Ukn}, Ars Combinotaria 93 (2009), 181–190.


30) E. Kılıç, More general identities involving the terms of {Wn(a,b;p,q)}, Ars Combinatoria 93 (2009), 459–461.


31) E. Kılıç and P. Stanica, Factorizations and representations of second order linear recurrences with indices in arithmetic progressions, Bulletin of the Mexican Mathematical Society 15(1) (2009), 23–36.


32) E. Kılıç, The generalized Fibonomial matrix, European Journal of Combinatorics 31 (2010), 193– 209.


33) E. Kılıç and D. Taşcı, On the generalized Fibonacci and Pell sequences by hessenberg matrices, Ars Combinatoria 94 (2010), 161–174.


34) E. Kılıç and D. Taşcı, On families of bipartite graphs associated with sums of generalized order-k Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, Ars Combinatoria 94 (2010), 13–23.


35) E. Kılıç and N. Ömür, Conics characterizing the generalized Fibonacci and Lucas sequences with indices in arithmetic progressions, Ars Combinatoria 94 (2010), 459–464.


36) E. Kılıç and H. Prodinger, A generalized Filbert matrix, The Fibonacci Quarterly 48(1) (2010), 29–33.


37) E. Kılıç, D. Taşcı and P. Haukkanen, On the generalized Lucas sequences by hessenberg matrices, Ars Combinatoria 95 (2010), 383–395.


38) E. Kılıç and D. Taşcı, Negatively subscripted Fibonacci and Lucas numbers and their complex factorizations, Ars Combinatoria 96 (2010), 275– 288.


39) E. Kılıç and E. J. Ionascu, Certain binomial sums with recursive coefficients, The Fibonacci Quarterly 48(2) (2010), 161–167.


40) E. Kılıç and H. Prodinger, A proof of a conjecture of Melham, The Fibonacci Quarterly 48 (2010), 241–248.


41) E. Kılıç, Second order linear recursions whose subscripts are a power, Miskolc Mathematical Notes 11(2) (2010), 151–161.


42) E. Kılıç and P. Stanica, The Lehmer matrix and its recursive analogue, Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing 74 (2010), 193–207.


43) E. Kılıç, On binomial sums for the general second order linear recurrence, Integers: The Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory #A57, 10 (2010), 801–806.


44) E. Kılıç and P. Stanica, A matrix approach for general higher order linear recurrence, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society (2) 34 (2011), 51–67.


45) E. Kılıç and N. Irmak, Binomial identities involving the generalized Fibonacci type polynomials, Ars Combinatoria 98 (2011), 129–134.


46) E. Kılıç, N. Ömür and Y. Ulutaş, Binomial sums whose coefficients are products of terms of binary sequences, Utilitas Mathematica 84 (2011), 45–52.


47) E. Kılıç, Y. Ulutaş and N. Ömür, Sums of products of the terms of generalized Lucas sequence {Vkn}, Hacettepe J. Mathematics and Statistics 40(2) (2011), 147–161.


48) E. Kılıç and P. Stanica, Factorizations and representations of binary polynomial recurrences by matrix methods, Rocky Mountain J. Mathematics 41(4) (2011), 1247–1264.


49) E. Kılıç, Y. Ulutaş and N. Ömür, A formula for the generating functions of powers of Horadam's sequence with additional 2 parameters, Journal of Integer Sequences 14 (2011) Article 11.5.6.


50) E. Kılıç, N. Ömür and Y. Ulutaş, Alternating sums of the powers of Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, Miskolc Mathematical Notes 12(1) (2011), 87–103.


51) E. Kılıç and P. Stanica, Generating matrices of C-nomial coefficients and their spectra, Proc. International Conf. Fibonacci Numbers & Applic. 2010.


52) E. Kılıç, N. Ömür and Y. Ulutaş, Some finite sums involving generalized Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society (2011), Article ID 284261.


53) E. Kılıç, H. Prodinger and H. Ohtsuka, Formulas for Fibonomial sums with generalized Fibonacci and Lucas coefficients, The Fibonacci Quarterly 49(4) (2011), 320–329.


54) E. Kılıç and H. Ohtsuka, Some generalized Fibonomial sums related with the Gaussian q-binomial sums, Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie 55(103) (2012), 51–61.


55) E. Kılıç, Y. Ulutaş and N. Ömür, Formulas for weighted binomial sums with the powers of terms of binary recurrences, Miskolc Mathematical Notes 13(2012), 53–65.


56) E. Kılıç, A matrix approach for generalizing two curious divisibility properties, Miskolc Mathematical Notes 13(2) (2012), 389–396.


57) E. Kılıç, N. Ömür and G. Tatar, Riordan group approaches in matrix factorizations, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 38(2) (2012), 491– 506.


58) E. Kılıç and H. Prodinger, The q-Pilbert matrix, International Journal Computers Mathematics 89 (2012), 1370–1377.


59) E. Kılıç and P. Stanica, General approach in computing sums of products of binary sequences, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 42 (2013), 1–7.


60) E. Kılıç and P. Stanica, The inverse of banded matrices, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 237(1) (2013), 126–135.


61) E. Kılıç and T. Arıkan, More on the infinite sum of reciprocal usual Fibonacci, Pell and higher order recurrences, Applied Mathematics Computation 219 (2013), 7783–7788.


62) E. Kılıç and N. Ömür, Some weighted sums of products of Lucas sequences, Integers: The Electronic J. Combinatorial Number Theory 13 (2013), #A27, 1–9.


63) E. Kılıç and H. Prodinger, Variants of the Filbert matrix, The Fibonacci Quarterly 51(2) (2013), 153– 162.

64) E. Kılıç and H. Prodinger, Some double binomial sums related to Fibonacci, Pell and generalized order-k Fibonacci numbers, Rocky Mountain J. Mathematics 43(3) (2013), 975–987.


65) E. Kılıç, Sylvester-tridiagonal matrix with alternating main diagonal entries and its spectra, International Journal Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 14(5) (2013), 261–266.


66) E. Kılıç and H. Prodinger, Asymmetric generalizations of the Filbert matrix and variants, Publications de'l Institut Mathematique 95(109) (2014), 267–280.


67) E. Kılıç and H. Prodinger, A note on the conjecture of Ramirez and Sirvent, Journal of Integer Sequences 2014, Article 14.5.8.


68) E. Kılıç and Aynur Yalçıner, New sums identities in weighted Catalan triangle with the powers of generalized Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, Ars Combinatoria 115 (2014), 391–400.


69) E. Kılıç and H. Prodinger, A generalization of a conjecture of Melham, Utilitas Mathematica 93 (2014), 225–232.


70) E. Kılıç and H. Prodinger, The generalized q-Pilbert matrix, Mathematica Slovaca 64(5) (2014), 1–10.


71) E. Kılıç, A proof of a conjecture of Marques and Trojovsky, Miskolc Mathematical Notes 2(2) (2014), 545–557.


72) E. Kılıç, Y. Ulutaş and N. Ömür, Generalized binary recurrent quasi-cyclic matrices, Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae 43 (2014), 103–112.


73) E. Kılıç and H. Prodinger, Formulae related to the q-Dixon formula with applications to Fibonomial sums, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica. 70 (2015), 216–226.


74) E. Kılıç, Some subsequences of the generalized Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, Utilitas Mathematica 97 (2015), 233–239.


75) E. Kılıç, N. Ömür and Y. Ulutaş, Various sums including the generalized Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, Palestine J. Mathematics 4(2) (2015) , 319–326.


76) E. Kılıç and H. Prodinger, Sums of products of generalized Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, Acta Mathematica Hungarica 145(1) (2015), 17–25.


77) E. Kılıç and H. Prodinger, Closed form evaluation of sums containing squares of Fibonomial coefficients, Mathematica Slovaca 66(3) (2016), 757–765.


78) E. Kılıç and Hacene Belbachir, Generalized double binomial sums families by generating functions, acceped in Utilitas Mathematica.


79) E. Kılıç, N. Ömür and Y. Ulutaş, Formulas for binomial sums including powers of Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, U.P.B. Sci. Bull. Series A 77 (4) (2015), 69–78.


80) E. Kılıç, N. Ömür, Y. Ulutaş, A curious matrix-sum identity and certain finite sums identities, Asian-European J. Math. 8 (3) (2015), #1550047.


81) E. Kılıç and H. Prodinger, Evaluation of sums involving Gaussian q-binomial coefficients with rational weight functions, International J. Number Theory 12(2) (2016), 495–504.


82) E. Kılıç and G. Kızılaslan, A variant of the reciprocal super Catalan matrix with two additional parameters, Special Matrices 3 (2015), 163–168.


83) E. Kılıç, N. Ömür, Y. Ulutaş, Generalized binomial convolution of the mth powers of the consecutive integers with the general Fibonacci sequence, Demonstratio Mathematica 49(4) (2016), 379–385.


84) E. Kılıç and T. Arıkan, Evaluation of spectrum of 2-periodic tridiagonal-Sylvester matrix, Turkish J. Mathematics 40 (2016), 80–89.


85) E. Kılıç and H. Prodinger, The generalized Lilbert matrix, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 73(1) (2016), 62–72.


86) E. Kılıç and T. Arıkan, The generalized reciprocal super Catalan matrix, Turkish J. Mathematics 40 (2016), 960–972.


87) E. Kılıç, Some new classes of alternating weighted binomial sums, Annals of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University–Mathematics 3(2) (2016), 835–843.


88) E. Kılıç and T. Arıkan, Ruehr's identities with two additional parameters, Integers, 16 (2016), #A30.


89) E. Kılıç and H. Prodinger, Some Gaussian binomial sum formulĉ with applications, Indian J. Pure Appl. Math. 47(3) (2016), 399–407.


90) E. Kılıç, N. Ömür, S. Koparal, Y. Ulutaş, Two variants of the reciprocal super Catalan matrix, Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 56(2) (2016), 409–418.


91) E. Kılıç and H. Prodinger, Identities with squares of binomial coefficients: An elementary and explicit approach, Publications de l'Institut Mathematique 99(113) (2016), 243–248.


92) E. Kılıç and H. Prodinger, Closed form evaluation of restricted sums containing squares of Fibonomial coefficients, U.P.B. Sci. Bull. Series A 78(4) (2016), 57–66.


93) E. Kılıç and A. Yalçıner, On sums of squares of Fibonomial coefficients by q-calculus, Asian-European J. Math. 9(3) (2016), 14 pp.


94) N. Irmak and E. Kılıç, Decompositions of the Cauchy and Ferrers-Jackson polynomials, Mathematical Communications, 21 (2016), 163–170.


95) E. Kılıç, Evaluation of sums containing triple aerated generalized Fibonomial coefficients, Mathematica Slovaca 67(2) (2017), 355–370.


96) E. Kılıç and H. Prodinger, The matrix of super Patalan numbers and its factorizations, Filomat 31(8) (2017), 2337–2344.


97) E. Kılıç and H. Prodinger, Closed form evaluation of Melham's reciprocal sums, Miskolc Mathematical Notes 18(1) (2017), 251–264.


98) E. Kılıç and T. Arıkan, A class of non-symmetric band determinants with the Gaussian q-binomial coefficients, Quaestiones Mathematicae 40(5) (2017), 645–660.


99) E. Kılıç and H. Prodinger, Evaluation of sums involving products of Gaussian q-binomial coefficients with applications to Fibonomial sums, Turkish J. Mathematics 41 (2017), 707–716.


100) E. Kılıç and T. Arıkan, Evaluation of Hessenberg determinants via generating function approach, Filomat  31(15) (2017), 4945–4962.


101) E. Kılıç, N. Ömür and S. Koparal, On alternating weighted binomial sums with falling factorials, Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 9(1) (2017), 58–64.


102) E. Kılıç, T. Mansour and T. Arıkan, A wilf class composed of 19 symmetry classes of quadruples of 4-letter patterns, Notes on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics 23(3) (2017), 79–99.


103) E. Kılıç, On Fibonomial sums identities with special sign functions: analytically q-calculus approach, Mathematica Slovaca 68(3) (2018), 501–512.


104) E. Kılıç and T. Arıkan, Double binomial sums and double sums related with certain linear recurrences of various order, Chiang Mai J. Science 45(3) (2018), 1569–1577.


105) E. Kılıç, N. Omur and S. Koparal, Formulae for two weighted binomial identites with the falling factorials, Ars Combinatoria 138 (2018), 223–231.


106) E. Kılıç, Evaluation of various partial sums of Gaussian q-binomial sums, Arabian Journal of Mathematics 7(2) (2018), 101–112.


107) E. Kılıç, Three binomial sums weighted by falling and rising factorials, Turkish J. Mathematics 42 (2018), 876–880.


108) T. Hopkins, E. Kılıç, An analytical approach: Explicit inverses of periodic tridiagonal matrices, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 335 (2018), 207–226.


109) E. Kılıç and T. Arıkan, A nonlinear generalization of the Filbert matrix and its Lucas analogue, Linear and Multilinear Algebra 67(1) (2019), 141–157.


110) E. Kılıç and F. Taşdemir, On binomial double sums with Fibonacci and Lucas numbers-I, Ars Combinatoria 144 (2019), 173–185.


111) E. Kılıç and H. Prodinger, Evaluation of sums involving products of Gaussian q-binomial coefficients with applications, Mathematica Slovaca 69(2) (2019), 327–338.


112) E. Kılıç, Sibel Koparal and Neşe Ömür, New asymmetric generalizations of the Filbert and Lilbert matrices, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 78 (2019), 231–241.


113) E. Kılıç, Partial sums of the Gaussian q-binomial coefficients, their reciprocals, square and squared reciprocals with applications, Miskolc Mathematical Notes 20(1) (2019), 299–310.


114) T. Arıkan, E. Kılıç and H. Prodinger, A nonsymmetrical matrix and its factorizations,  Mathematica Slovaca 69(4) (2019), 753–762.


115) E. Kılıç and T. Arıkan, A Proof of Clarke's Conjecture, The Mathematical Gazette 103(26) (2019), 346–352.


116) E. Kılıç and T. Arıkan, Studying new generalizations of Max-Min matrices with a novel approach, Turkish J. Mathematics 43 (2019), 2010–2024.


117) E. Kılıç and Aynur Yalçıner, Explicit spectrum of a circulant-tridiagonal matrix with applications, AIP Conference Proceedings 2116, 450081 (2019).


118) E. Kılıç and F. Taşdemir, On binomial double sums with Fibonacci and Lucas numbers-II, Ars Combinatoria 144 (2019), 345–354.


119) E. Kılıç and Didem Ersanlı, New reciprocal sums involving finite products of second order recursions, Miskolc Math. Notes 20(2) (2019), 1039–1050.


120) E. Kılıç and H. Prodinger, A wide class of Combinatorial matrices related with reciprocal Pascal and super Catalan matrices, Contributions to Discrete Mathematics 14 (1) (2019), 80–104.


121) Wenchang Chu and E. Kılıç, Cubic sums of q-binomial coefficients and the Fibonomial Coefficients, Rocky Mountain J. Math. 49(8) (2019), 2557–2569.


122) E. Kılıç and Funda Taşdemir, New binomial double sums with products of Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, Utilitas Mathematica 112 (2019), 187-196.


123) Wenchang Chu and E. Kılıç, Quadratic sums of Gaussian q-binomial coefficients and Fibonomial coefficients, The Ramanujan Journal 51(2) (2020), 229-243.


124)  C. M. da Fonseca and E. Kılıç, An observation on the determinant of a Sylvester-Kac type matrix, An. Şt. Univ. Ovidius Constanta 28(1) (2020), 111–115.


125) Hacer Bozdag, E. Kılıç, New Filbert and Lilbert matrices with asymmetric entries, Mathematica Slovaca 70(2) (2020), 289–296.


126) E. Kılıç and H. Prodinger, Formulĉ for multi-parameter Gaussian q-binomial sums with applications, Indian J. Pure Appl. Math. 51(2) (2020), 457-464.


127) E. Kılıç, Sibel Koparal and Neşe Ömür, New analogues of the Filbert and Lilbert matrices via products of two k-tuples asymmetric entries, Hacettepe J. Math. Stat. 49 (2) (2020), 684 – 694.


128) T. Arıkan, E. Kılıç and H. Prodinger, Evaluation of sums of products of Gaussian q-binomial coefficients with rational weight functions, Turkish J. Math. 44 (2020), 307-318.


129) E. Kılıç, S. Koparal, N. Omur, Powers sums of the first and second kinds of Chebyshev polynomials, Iranian J. Science and Tech. Transactions A: Science 44 (2020), 425–435.


130) Wenchang Chu and E. Kılıç, Q-binomial formulae of Dixon's type and the Fibonomial sums,  Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics 14(2) (2020), 335-348.


131) E. Kılıç, S. Koparal, N. Omur, Nonlinear variants of the generalized Filbert and Lilbert matrices, Turkish J. Mathematics 44 (2020), 622 – 642.


132) C.M. da Fonseca, E. Kılıç and A. Pereira, The interesting spectral interlacing property for a certain tridiagonal matrix, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 36 (2020), 587-598.


133) C.M. da Fonseca, E. Kılıç, A new type of Sylvester-Kac matrix and its spectrum, Linear Multilinear Algebra 69(6) (2021), 1072–1082.


134) E. Kılıç and N. Omur, Diophantine equations related with linear binary recurrences, Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics 17:1 (2022), 11–26.


135) Milica Anđelić, Zhibin Du, Carlos M. da Fonseca and E. Kılıç, A matrix approach to some second-order difference equations with sign-alternating coefficients, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 26:2 (2020),  149–162


136) Wenchang Chu and E. Kılıç, Three determinant evaluations, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society 44 (2021), 1691–1700.


137) Wenchang Chu and E. Kılıç, Binomial sums involving Catalan numbers, Rocky Mountain J. Math. 51(4) (2021), 1221–1225.


138) Omojola Micheal and E. Kılıç, A class of symmetric and non-symmetric band matrices via binomial coefficients, Special Matrices 9 (2021), 321–330.


139) Abdullah Alazemi, Carlos M. da Fonseca and E. Kılıç,  The spectrum of a new class of Sylvester-Kac matrices, Filomat 35:12 (2021), 4017–4031


140) Tim Hopkins and Emrah Kılıç, Analytically explicit inverse of a kind of periodic tridiagonal matrix using a backward continued fraction approach, Journal of Applied Analysis & Computation 12:6 (2022), 1–15.


141) Milica Andelic, Carlos M. da Fonseca, Emrah Kilic, Zoran Stanic, A Sylvester-Kac matrix type and the Laplacian controllability, The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 38 (2022), 559–571.


142) Wenchang Chu and Emrah Kılıç, Perturbed Toeplitz matrices and their LU-decompositions, Mathematical Notes 113(1) (2023), 39–48.


143) Emrah Kılıç and Didem Ersanlı, Harmony of asymmetric variants of the Filbert and Lilbert matrices in q-form, Mathematica Slovaca 73(3) (2023), 633–642.


144) Wenchang Chu and Emrah Kılıç, Fibonomial and Lucanomial sums through well-poised q-series, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 52 (1) (2023), 62–72.


145) Wenchang Chu and Emrah Kılıç, Left and right eigenvectors of a variant of Sylvester-Kac Matrix, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society  109 (2024), 316–326.


146) Abdullah Alazemi and E. Kılıç, Determinant evaluation of banded Toeplitz matrices via bivariate polynomial families, accepted in Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics.


147) Emrah Kılıç and Didem Ersanlı, Curious harmony in asymmetric & nonlinear variant of Filbert and Lilbert matrices, accepted in Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics


148) Emrah Kılıç, Some classes of tetradiagonal determinants via certain polynomial families, Mathematical Notes 114(5) (2023), 825–844.


149) Emrah Kılıç and Didem Ersanlı, A nonlinear Filbert-like matrix with three free parameters: From linearity to nonlinearity, Mathematica Slovaca 74(3) (2024), 1–8.


150) John M. Campbell and Emrah Kılıç, Binomial sums involving second-order linearly recurrent sequences, The Fibonacci Quarterly 62(1) (2024), 57-64.


151) Wenchang Chu and Emrah Kılıç, Inverses and determinants about three classes of Hankel matrices, Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society --Simon Stevin 31(3) (2024).


152) Wenchang Chu and Emrah Kılıç, Well--poised q-series and new Fibonomial--like sums, accepted in Kuwait Journal of Science.


Science Direct’te en çok okunan ilk 25 yayın sıralamasında Birinci olan SCI kapsamlı bilimsel makaleler


Emrah Kılıç, The Binet formula, sums and representations of generalized Fibonacci p-numbers, European Journal of Combinatorics, 29 (3) (2008) 701-711.


Emrah Kılıç, The generalized Fibonomial matrix, European Journal of Combinatorics, 31 (2010) 193-209.


E. Kılıç and P. Stanica, The inverse of banded matrices, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 237(1) ( 2013), 126-135.


Sempozyum ve Seminerler


A new generalization of the Sylevester matrix and its explicit spectrum, Kuwait Univ.  Kasım 2019 (davetli konuşmacı)


Evaluation of various partial sums of Gaussian q-binomial sums, BMS 2018, Sarajevo, July 2018, Bosna Herzigova


Evaluation of sums involving Gaussian q-binomial coefficients with rational weight functions, Lebanese inter. Conf. Math. Appl., LICMA 15, May 2015, Lebanese Univ. (Davetli Konuşmacı)


Analysis methods in number theory problems, MATDER, 14. Mathematics Symposium, Niğde University, May 2015 (Davetli Konuşmacı)


Generalized binomial coefficients and their various sums by q-calculus, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Matematik Bölümü, Ankara, Haziran 2013


Higher order linear recurrences by matrix methods, Bilkent Üniversitesi Matematik Bölümü, Ankara, Mayıs 2013.


An another symmetric Fibonacci matrix-II (G. Özdemir ile), RAMA8, Algeria, 2012.


A symmetric Fibonacci matrix-I (L. Çetinkaya ile), RAMA8, Algeria, 2012.


Some new kinds of generalized Fibonomial sums, RAMA8, Algeria, 2012. (Davetli Konuşmacı)


Generalizing two curious divisibility properties, 15th Inter. Conference on Fibonacci Numbers and Their Appl., Eger-Hungary, 2012.


Some further results on the sums of reciprocals of terms of a order-k recurring sequence, (T. Arıkan ile) 15th Inter. Conference on Fibonacci Numbers and Their Appl. Eger-Hungary, 2012.


Some Gaussian q-Binomial Sums and its Applications,  ICAAA2011, İstanbul 2011


Spectrum of a tridiagonal matrix and factorization of a period second order linear recurrence system, DIMACOS11, Morocco 2011


Generalized binary recurrent quasi-cyclic matrices, (Y. T. Ulutaş ile) DIMACOS11, Morocco 2011


Finite sums involving generalized Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, (N. Ömür ile) DIMACOS11, Morocco 2011


Generating matrices of C-nomial coefficients and their spectra, (P. Stanica ile) 14th Inter. Conf. on Fibonacci Numbers and Their Appl, Mexico, 2010.


On sums of the product of terms of the generalized Lucas sequences, Ankara Matematik Günleri, Ankara 2010.


Fibonacci numbers and generating matrices, TOBB ETU, 2009.


Banded matrices and their inverses, Ankara University, 2009.


Explicit formula for the inverse of a tridigonal matrix by backward continued fraction, TASSA, Harvard Univ. 2008


Spectral properties of some combinatorial matrices, (P. Stanica and G. Stanica ile), 13. Inter. Conf. on Fibonacci Numbers and Their Appl, Mexico, 2010


Antalya Algebra Days, Antalya 2005


Pell matrices and matrix representation of Pell numbers, XVII. Ulusal Matematik Sempozyumu, Bolu 2004


On the order-k generalized Lucas numbers, Antalya Cebir Günleri, Antalya, 2003